Positive Horse Training

Want to train your horse using positive reinforcement techniques, such as clicker training, but don’t know where to start? Or need advice on how to take your training Louietargetting-180x300to the next level?

Come and learn positive, efficacious and kind training methods which are backed by science and taught in a fun and practical way. Learn with our horses or yours.

An experienced horse trainer, Emma instructs both adults and children in how to train horses ethically and effectively. Having developed expertise in the use of positive reinforcement methods such as clicker training and bridge and target training, Emma can coach animal owners in effective training, behaviour modification and husbandry. Emma ensures that her training is both scientifically valid and of the highest welfare standards so that you achieve your desired results and the horse receives a high level of care.

headdown2-300x203In addition to using welfare maintaining training techniques, Emma uses a holistic approach to horse training that considers the entire experience of the animal. The ability of the horse to access appropriate exercise, nutrition and social interactions all affect the horse’s ability to learn and cooperate with training. Their physical and mental wellbeing also can have significant impact. Emma considers all of these within the context of the training to ensure the horse and owner both achieve the results and goals they want.

There are two ways Emma provides coaching, through in-person sessions with your own horse or through online coaching sessions. Emma primarily teaches in Leicestershire and the surrounding areas, but can also teach further afield.

Feel free to contact Emma to discuss your training needs.

07919 882964
